Dawn Behm

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The Longest Night

I felt Solstice this year to my bones. This decade had so many lessons for me, so much growth. This decade held so many moments of joy—and of pain. On Solstice 2019, the darkest night of the year, Seattle broke a record for darkest day! https://patch.com/washington/seattle/seattle-just-had-its-darkest-day-recorded-history

On this day, I wrote a FB post that received more comments and likes than anything I posted all year. I guess I wasn’t alone in my feelings! May you feel a glimmer of light, even on your darkest days. And may you give yourself permission to rest when you need it.

Choosing rest. I’m going to keep it real here. This Christmas I’m quiet. Many years I make homemade gifts, write and mail Christmas cards and do the things. There is nothing wrong with that and giving with a joyful heart is and feels wonderful.

This December I’m tired. My heart has been heavy for multiple reasons and after numerous years of putting off particular health challenges, I’ve been grateful to have health insurance and time to care for my body in a way it has needed.

I think of the people I want to send cards and love to, and I hope they will understand. I could push myself and make and do to meet some social expectations, but I’d rather wait until My heart is in it and ai can reach out again filled with joy and love and goodwill. I trust that I will. For now, my best medicine is to treat myself the way I would love others to be treated. Free to rest when needed, loved and approved of not because I send cards or serve, but because I am. I know I love to serve, to give hugs and remind people they are cared for. I trust I will be energized to continue showing up and shining love.

I hope that by keeping my today real, I also give permission to others who need to rest, tend to themselves and release expectations today.

For those who are interested, here is a meditation I recorded a while ago, a guided visualization to help you release anything that no longer serves. May it support you as we step into Solstice tomorrow and swing past the longest night, acknowledging that more light is on its way in the days ahead. http://bit.ly/MindzenMeditation