Mom to Mom Heart Nature Essential Wellness Series
Moms of teens, we hear you. We are you. Our teens need us more than ever and their world is quite unlike the one we grew up in. Sometimes we’re worn out, scared and overwhelmed. Sometimes we just don’t know what to do.
How can we show up as the moms we truly want to be?
How can we bring our best to our teens—leaving our baggage at the door and connecting, truly connecting with them and their needs?
How do we guide and support them while preparing them to “adult” at the same time?
Christine and I don’t have all the answers. We sure have lived the questions though! And we’ve amassed resources and tools to help us navigate parenting our teens—starting with taking care of ourselves so we can truly show up for them.
Join us Wednesday evenings starting in February. Our time together will include connection and support—we moms need each other. It will include time when we will share resources that have been game-changers for us. It will include DIYs and activities that you can take home and use for yourself and for your teens.
May these 8 weeks together be life-changing and supportive, deepening friendships and creating new one. May we discover we are not alone. May our relationship with ourselves and our loved ones at home experience hope, healing and resilience as we share resources and learn from one another. .
Space is limited to 15 to provide an intimate group for confidential sharing and growth.
Click image below to register TODAY and save your spot!