Feeling isolated and on your own? All your responsibilities and stuck in your own homes? That’s why our hearts have hatched the Heart Nature Gathering Circle.
Monday nights for an hour we will gather around the proverbial fire and connect. We’ll be held, hold space, and learn from one another. This will be a casual circle, with a little bit of structure to create a beautifully held space of learning and mutual support. There will be oil sharing--as far as what is working or what we each are discovering in our own lives. PLUS, brainstorming and asking for support—we are stronger together!
Our focus will be whatever is coming up for all of us—and the essential oils that are helping to make life more manageable and well-being more attainable. We believe that we humans really crave honest connection and that just by connecting and sharing our stories, we learn from one another naturally and find new ways to bring more hope, joy and delight into lives.
Now more than ever we need to prioritize connection and rituals that anchor us, give us something to look forward to, and inspire us for the days ahead.
We are so excited to co-create this nourishing, supportive, empowering circle of connection for us all.
Commit to 4 Mondays (as best you can!) to get the most out of the supportive circle that YOU and I create together.
Register now to save your spot—one registration gets you into all four weeks!