Cravings--we all have them

When I was a kid, Halloween was all about the candy haul.  And creating a cool costume. But mostly about the candy. We’d get home with this big bag of it and get started.  Literally, I ate ALL my candy within 48 hours. My tongue and mouth hurt from the sugar. I felt yucky from the buzz.  But I couldn’t stop. Just one more. Just one more.  

Why do we keep going when something already isn’t making us feel well?  

Why do we CRAVE what we know isn’t doing us any good?

How can we change it?

This morning, as is my habit, I went to YouTube and watched the next Brad Yates Tapping video that came up in my feed.  Brad Yates Tapping Away Cravings.  When I started it, I couldn’t think of anything I craved.  Then, I did. I realized I crave alcohol in the evening and that it’s not always in my best interest.  

As I kept tapping, I realized that I craved it because it fed my feeling of VICTIM.

The pull to feel that too much is asked of me, poor me, blah, blah.  I deserve a glass of wine or vodka! Then I realized I also crave reading the news at night. Just to feel that hit of injustice and self-righteousness. Ouch!   And ooohhh….how interesting!  

Tapping is a beautiful way to explore safely what might be lurking under the surface.

I highly recommend it.  

Back to cravings.  Whether it’s sugar, food, mac and cheese (my daughter’s vice), binge-watching tv, exercising, sex or something else, cravings show up because we’re trying to fill an underlying need which we might not even have taken the time to become aware of.  Bringing it to the surface, like with tapping, can help us get curious about what we’re using--and consider healthier alternatives that better meet that need.  

Our oils can be helpful too.  Slim and Sassy--it’s not about weight--I swear, is a really useful blend for us as we begin to recognize and work with a craving of any sort.  Consider pulling it out of your arsenal and diffusing it, adding a drop to water or even topically supporting yourself with it.  I’m going to have it nearby in the kitchen when I get ready to cook dinner (when my cravings kick in the most!)  

Emotionally, oils can help us tune into our true emotional needs (which we often mask with reaching for something we crave) and can help us then face and clear it.  Or ask for what we need. Or give it to ourselves.  

Physically, the oils in this blend can help stabilize our blood sugar (that helps with sugar cravings and crankiness too!)  clear toxins that have built up and are dragging us down, and oxygenate and energize us. All really helpful things!

I invite you today to tap along with Brad and see what comes up for YOU!  Share with me if you’d like. Then support yourself with Slim and Sassy, another oil, or whatever comes up in your tapping that your body REALLY needs.  

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