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Welcome to March Healthy Habits—The Movement month!  

As a child, I was what they call, sickly.  My body didn’t seem to work as a whole and the random parts did their thing relatively disconnected to the other parts.  Therefore I found my happy place in books and my big imagination. I ignored my body as best as I could and tried to make a life without it entering TOO much into the equation.  Needless to say, this didn’t go very well. The older I got, the more my body complained about its neglect and needs… At nearly 48, I am SO much happier and healthier and energetic than I was in my teens, twenties or even my thirties….

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Stuck in a Rut....No More!

Ask yourself, and be honest: when was the LAST time you did something JUST BECAUSE?  I realized that even playing games with my kids, though I thoroughly enjoy it, is something I value because it’s good for the family and our relationships.  There is a purpose to it greater than myself. My business with essential oils is something I absolutely LOVE and so I enjoy that work. But it’s still about more than just me having fun.  

This week, snowed in, I realized that there is very little in my life that I do simply because I love it and it brings me joy ALONE.  If you are a mom of littles, I’m pretty sure you get that. We can be stretched pretty thin during that season of life.

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Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes--What’s your relationship with Change?

What comes up when you hear the word, change?  Do you believe “the more things change the more they stay the same?”  Do you dread change? Fear it? Fight it? Want it? Try to make it happen only to experience more of the same in your life? Let’s face it, as inevitable as change is, it can come with a lot of baggage.  This month as we dive into the theme of BREATHING and AWARENESS, let’s consider how we roll with change…

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